Fox River Grove

Water and Sewer

Contracted Services
The Village provides services through an Intergovernmental Agreement for Lake Barrington (Water & Sewer) and Good Shepherd Hospital (Sewer).

Water Supply
Hydrant flushing is a regular part of Village maintenance. Information about line flushing and/or the hydrant flushing schedule may be obtained by calling the Village Hall. Hydrant flushing is completed in the spring and fall.

Water Hydrants
Water hydrants are Village property and provide fire protection as well as access to the Village water supply. Only authorized persons may open or close a fire hydrant. Residents should make every effort to clear away snow and keep hydrants visible during the winter season.

Sanitary Sewers
The property owner is responsible for maintenance and repairs to sewer service lines within his or her building and out to the point of connection with the municipal sewer system. The Village aggressively prosecutes any unlawful connections. For specific information, contact the Village Hall.